Life Designing - Group Coaching

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An 8-week intensive online course and group coaching experience designed to gain clarity and drive positive change.
Maximum of 10 participants.
It includes six online course modules and two implementation weeks, including Zoom webinars.
Access to our virtual classroom - a WhatsApp Group - where I follow your progress and give you individual feedback after each module.

Your learning investment:
€ 499,-

Life Designing Fundamentals-

Group Coaching Program

This Program is right for you, if:

  • You struggle finding clarity in your current life situation
  • You feel blocked and procrastinate in one or more life areas
  • You feel constantly overwhelmed by your life tasks and have no idea how to make adjustments
  • You constantly hesitate which path to take and which choices to make
  • You lost the joy and motivation of starting and shaping your days
  • You lost the vision of what you wish for your life, personally and professionally
  • or, you're simply curious about a new tool, how to create a life of happiness and meaning

I approached Yvonne at a time where I was feeling lost and overwhelmed with life in general.

I reached a milestone that I had spent 10 years working towards and instead of feeling excited, I felt uncertain of what I was meant to be pursuing next. Suddenly everything that seemed important to me felt insignificant.

All I knew is that I needed a change but had no idea where to start or what direction to go in. This course allowed me to dig deeper and analyse areas which I never gave thought to before. I was excited to start each new module knowing that it would enable me to step back and reflect. Suddenly the only boundary was my imagination and I was exploring options that I never thought possible.

This is an ongoing journey but I now have all the tools that I need to change my thought process from a Life Planner to a Life Designer.

That spark inside me was reignited and I am seeing the new opportunities in each new day. I would highly recommend this course to anyone no matter what your personal situation.

Benefits of the course :

  • I could complete at my own pace
  • I could listen to the audio versions while driving
  • Regular facebook live feedback allowing you to interact with other members reminding you that you are not on this journey alone
  • Exciting practical content
  • Principles that you can apply on a daily basis and keep building on long after the course is complete

- Jessica Wiid, Cape Town, SA; Online Course Participant - Group Coaching

About The Course

Life Designing has its origins in the well-established methodology of Design Thinking, a human-centred design process to create innovative solutions. It's action-orientated, forward thinking, creative and fun.

Ever wondered why designers embrace challenges? Why do they thrive on unsolved questions, uncertain outcomes, and out-of-the-box solutions?

It's because they know that challenges and uncertainty equals growth and infinite opportunities.

In this course you'll learn how to turn challenging situations into opportunities and tailor-made solutions.

In other words, you'll learn how to become a designer.

A Life Designer.

What You'll Learn

At the end of this course you'll

  • Have learned and applied a new, innovative, self-help tool to transform your life situation
  • Adapt the mindset and behaviour of a Life Designer to facilitate your journey
  • Have the awareness of your own limiting beliefs and where you've been blocking yourself in the past
  • Have the tools & practice how to reframe those limiting beliefs into inspiring beliefs to support your journey
  • Have clarity about your current life situation & understand why and in which areas you need to make certain concessions or adjustments
  • Develop ideas of what these changes could look like
  • Know how you can "test drive" those ideas
  • Have a checklist of how to initiate the desired life changes & how to stay on track in the future

This course is a combination of a self-paced online learning experience, exercises & individual feedback, and your active participation in our "Life Designing Classroom" (Zoom Calls) during our interactive Webinars.

"I enrolled in Yvonne’s Life Designing Group Coaching Program exactly one year ago. So many aspects of my life have shifted and transformed since then.

A year ago, I was working as an economic adviser to a politician in the European Parliament in Brussels. I enjoyed the fast-paced high intensity tasks I was doing, but at the same time I had been emotionally burned out for a while and more often than not dreaded going to the office. I had wanted to see a change long ago.

Starting from week 1 of the course, I was required to systematically work on the areas of my life that I wasn’t satisfied with and write down how I actually wanted to see my life.
For the first time ever, I heard about “limiting beliefs” and how to “reframe” them. I saw that the exercises did not only have an impact on my professional, but also on my private life.
The Facebook Group and active exchange with Yvonne encouraged me to go deeper, and seeing that the other participants had very similar issues motivated me to reach for more.

In the months to come, I resigned from my job, traveled to Southeast Asia, studied Yoga Philosophy, Meditation, Reiki, and actively participated in women’s circles. During this time, I always kept in touch with Yvonne.
We started doing several 1 to 1 Coaching Sessions via Skype, in which she asked me to write down my ideas and put them into order. We worked on my possible future clients, options for short- and long-term, my limiting beliefs, my strengths and weaknesses, and how to work with them.

Today, I live in Berlin and successfully host workshops and retreats for women, with a focus on transformational healing with the help of yoga, meditation, breath work, dance and feminine embodiment work. On a daily basis I am grateful for the changes during this past year – this journey has been so rewarding!

I can recommend this course to anyone who wants to see changes in their professional or private life. The exercises of the Life Designing Course have been incredibly useful for me and changed my perspective on how I look at arising problems. The tools that I was given in the course can be used on a daily basis and for all areas of life, even after officially finishing the course. Thank you so much, Yvonne!

- Lily Auerbacher, Berlin, Online Course Participant - Group Coaching

What You Get

You'll get the very best of my workshops, training and coaching sessions; adapted and tested for this new online format.

And you'll get me.

Providing individual feedback to your classroom activity posts and answering your questions in our webinars. It's deeply important to personally support and guide you on this design journey.

Join me for this powerful group coaching experience!

So here's what you get

Unlimited access to the online training lectures. Come back as often and for as long as you like. Across any and all devices you own.

Downloadable slides, audios, exercises, and lecture reviews to take notes or recap certain lectures even when you're offline.

Access to our classroom - a WhatsApp group - where I follow your progress and give you individual feedback after each module you're going through.

And two live webinars for group interactions, feedback, Q+A, and progress discussions (4 hours in total). I'll guarantee my personal attention and feedback to each student and therefore limit this training to 10 participants.

And of course, all of this 100% risk free.

Because I truly believe in this training; and in real life experience. So dive into the course lectures, the exercises, the training material, the Facebook interactions for up to two weeks. And if you think this course isn't right for you, you get your money back. 100%

Your Instructor

Yvonne Hendrych
Yvonne Hendrych

Hi, I'm Yvonne

Life Designing & Mindset Coach, and passionate about supporting you in designing and living the best version of your life.

In 2013, I myself was in desperate need of a re-design of my life.

After ten years of building a successful, international career as a lawyer and lobbyist in Brussels, I found myself at a dead end, emotionally and physically burnt out.

I embarked on a journey of self-exploration, volunteer work experiences, and learning opportunities to gain clarity for myself. At the same time, without realizing it at first, I started building a completely new career and life path.

After in-depth training in “Social Innovation Management” at the Amani Institute in Sao Paulo and “Life Designing” at UPEACE, University of the United Nations, I was ready to take the leap and founded Workinbalance in 2016.

Later, I complemented my existing Life Designing expertise with a coaching specialisation in "Brain-based Coaching" at the NeuroLeadership Institute in London and a certification in Positive Intelligence to offer my clients an even more powerful learning and coaching experience and deeper life transformation.

Fast forward 9 years and 600+ students who have gone through my workshops, trainings and coaching and after building strong and fruitful relationships with my clients & partners like the Amani Institute, Escola Polifonia, the European Parliament, MaturiJobs and others, I'm more than ever convinced of the positive and transformative impact of my work as a Life Designing & Mindset Coach and the methodology of Life Designing itself.


Send me an e-mail and we'll discuss together, what to expect and if this program is right for you. Contact me at [email protected]

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours, Yvonne

More Testimonials about Life Designing & My Training

More information about Life Designing & My Work at Workinbalance

My Partners & Clients

Who Trust and Believe in Life Designing

Amani Institute
European Parliament


"Life Designing is such a powerful, transformative methodology that every person on the planet should somehow have access to it. And Yvonne made me realize its real meaning through her amazing facilitations skills.

I highly recommend Life Designing to anyone who is tired of being stuck and wants a life improvement right now and for good"

- Daniel Gurgel, Co-Founder Polifonia, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Your Life Designing Curriculum

Week 1: Foundations First

The first week is all about building a strong foundation for becoming a Life Designer: Understand the Origins of Life Designing and the Methodology behind it; Dive into the steps of the Life Designing Process; Learn what it means to behave like a Life Designer and asses your own behaviour to understand how you're blocking yourself;

Week 2: Prime Yourself

The second week is all about your Mindset: Uncover your limiting beliefs and understand how they are holding you back; Learn how to reframe those limiting beliefs; Understand why it's crucial to bring your mind on board to make life changes happen; Give your thoughts & actions a direction by creating your Life Compass;

Week 3: Empathizing with your Life Situation

The third week is about deeply understanding your current life situation, what has brought you here, and what you need to change in the future. It's all about understanding the big picture: Identify and gain clarity about your Life Essentials; learn and apply an incredibly powerful tool, the Life Equalizer, to help you asses what's truly going on and what you need to shift or change;

Week 4: Implementation Week (Webinar)

Week 5: Identify your true Life Challenge

Week four is all about gaining clarity which are the areas or topics you need to address first in order to move forward: Understand how an holistic action plan must look like in order to get unstuck; Understand the danger of working on the wrong challenge; Develop your first actionable steps to tackle your challenges;

Week 6: Getting Unstuck

Week five is about learning a new approach to getting unstuck and building your way forward: Learn how to overcome your blocks in regards to finding clarity and creating solutions through the process of Ideating; Learn how to "test drive" those ideas and overcome your fear of failure and procrastination;

Week 7: Commit to your Journey & Persist Obstacles

Week six is about preparing you for your Life Designing Journey and building your confidence, clarity and resilience: Be clear about the next steps to come and how to make them happen; Find and nurture your tribe and allow yourself to be supported; Prepare yourself for possible roadblocks; Commit to action;

Week 8: Implementation Week (Webinar)

"I am happy to have engaged in the online version of Yvonne's Life Designing training in my career transition phase.

It helped me look at my challenges differently and adopt a more holistic approach to finding next steps.

I'm definitely going to revisit these tools to see future decisions more clearly as well"

- Anjum Dhamija, India, Online Course Participant

Frequently Asked Questions

Life Designing? Never heard of it before! How can I be sure it's right for me?
You'll only know by trying out. 100% risk free, of course. Join this program for up to 2 weeks and dive into the lectures and live sessions. If you feel it's not for you, you'll get your money back. 100%. No questions asked.
I want to change my job but feel completely lost. Will I have clarity about my next job at the end of the course?
Changing a job or even a career takes time. Take my word for it. And by all means you want to avoid quick fixes that don't bring the desired changes. This course will provide you with the necessary clarity about your current life situation in a holistic and connected way. This is precondition to understand where you have to work on the big picture. It will also provide you with the tools how to turn this picture into reality, one step at a time. And it will show you how you can test your way forward and allow yourself to "feel" into different future possibilities. In other words, this course is a precondition to allow your answers to show up in the months to follow and gain the necessary clarity and confidence that you're building a life that truly fits you.
I'm not in a moment of major changes in my life but curious about Life Designing? Is this course right for me?
Yes, by all means. It's always the right time to press pause and re-connect with ourselves, our needs, our dreams and aspirations. And it's always the right time to learn new tools that empower us to design our way forward, with confidence and a positive perspective.
Do I get access to all the course material the minute I enrol?
The course is structured into 8 weeks of learning experience. I've designed it in a way to make sure you dedicate at least one full week for each content block. Too often we tend to rush through content without leaving any space for reflections or inspiration. So your course material will be published week by week and you'll be notified by mail when the new content block is ready and waiting for you.
How much time do I need to invest for each week of the program?
Approximately 3 hours per week on average. But it really depends on how much time you want and you can dedicate to each of the modules, the exercises and reflections, and the interaction in our Facebook group and webinars.
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Still not sure about the course. Help please?
No problem. Let's figure this out together. Just share with me your questions, doubts, or concerns in an e-mail and we figure out together if this course is a fit for you, or not. Mail me, [email protected].
Where can I get more information about Life Designing?
Come over to my website I've plenty of videos and articles waiting for you to dive into the topic. And plenty of testimonials from people who went already through the training and share their experience. If you feel it's not the right moment to participate in a training right now but want to stay in the loop for Life Designing, no problem. Just subscribe to my Life Designers Monday and I'll send you every Monday my latest video or blog and include news, inspirations, and updates.

This course is closed for enrollment.